Come Home

Is it possible for home to be a person and not a place?

There’s a picture on my instagram account that I look at every year on this exact day. I know, I know, I’m a sucker for the dramatic but stay with me for a second. It’s a picture of a 3-year-old Zoey, my daughter, standing by my in-laws pool. The caption, which I wrote after a weekend of leading worship to over 3,000 students, reads:

“No crowd, no stage, no moment will ever make me feel the way she makes me feel…”

A day later my ministry and little kingdom I was building would literally come crashing in as the sins I was collecting would finally be too weighty for me to carry any longer.

Now before I give off a vibe of “I used to be somebody” or “those were the good old days,” I want to let you know I only look back to this “height” of my life in ministry to see and celebrate the process of healing that has occurred over these past four years. When it looked like I had the world by the tail, I was actually so lost and so utterly confused as to how my life had gotten so off track. It’s funny though because God is definitely not a man that He should lie… the train wreck of my personal life was the very thing that He was about to take and make beauty from ashes.

No, I’m still not perfect nor has my journey been such. I actually sit here now shaking my head with a smile on my face just thinking of what a complete failure I have been in moments over these past four years, while at the same time seeing the amazing progress that God has made in my life.

I’m so thankful that in the past, lets say six months, God has placed hard situations before me that have actually steered me towards my calling and passions once again. I’m thankful that in moments when I could have chosen fear and frustration (don’t get me wrong, those feelings are apart of process), I chose faith in the end reminding myself that God has taken me so far thus far and He isn’t about to give up on me now. I have people in my life now who believe in me and in my calling. People who have spoken “qualified” over me and haven’t seen me in light of my short comings but with eyes of faith that see further into my future where God is calling the Riach’s towards something amazing.

I often think of the rich young ruler we read about in Luke 18.
The story lends that this young man had all one could ever want as well as a moral compass that wasn’t too far off north. Unfortunately when Jesus questions the importance of his material possessions over the desire to follow Him, our rich young man shies away from the conversation and is never heard from again.

All this to say, maybe you feel like everything is on point in your life at the moment, and if so, I’m so happy for you! You deserve happiness and fullness and all of His blessings! However, maybe you’re on the other side of the coin right now. Maybe you find yourself lost or hurting or abandoned…

Know this, no matter how rich or poor, how popular or unknown, how sure or unsure of your life’s path at the moment, NOTHING can stand up against a surrendered life in Christ. It’s in that place where you find everything that fills those emotional, physical and spiritual gaps that you experience without Him.

When I talk about Returning Home, I’m mostly referring to a life of coming back to my Father. Like the Rich Young Ruler, like the Prodigal, like Zacchaeus… they all had great things going for them but they had one significant gap in their hearts. They chose a life where other things mattered more than the Father.

Know that you’re not too far-gone.
Know that you’re exactly where you should be right now to run Home.

You don’t have to fight or strain or make to-do list of the things you need to get in order before coming Home. He’s waiting and willing to accept you, even now. Flaws and all.

What seems to be the shambles of a broken life or a bad decision might take, in my case, four years to feel like you’ve finally found the peace and acceptance that comes in the safety of your Father’s Home, but I promise, nothing compares.

I’m glad I’m Home.
Come join me, there’s lots of room.


The Light Anchor

I love your roots, not the flower everybody sees!

A new friend I’ve made along this journey has asked me to write down a few thoughts about being “Anchored in Christ.” Understanding that there’s a lot of rhetoric and somewhat confusing lingo if the Christian culture; (no Jesus isn’t asking us to partake in some creepy drowning ritual - maybe I’m the only one who thinks such things); I’ve been really chewing on this thought.  

There’s a clear understanding that an anchor is used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting due to wind or current. During a storm or choppy water, an anchor might be the difference between life and death. Obviously there’s many parallels that we can draw between an anchor and the saving grace that is found in a relationship with Jesus.

Cue ‘Oceans’ by Hillsong United.

What I’ve been thinking about though isn’t the easy parallel we can draw, rather, the opposite. Call me a pessimist but when I think of an anchor, I think of weight. Something heavy, something I can’t move. Life… life gets heavy sometimes. With all the ups and downs and situations that come our way through the happenings of every day life, sometimes we can feel weighed down or as if the situation we face is an unmovable object.

I believe a major part of being authentic is acknowledging that life isn’t always easy or fair or as we imagined it would turn out. As a believer, the most ignorant and immature thing we can do when things don’t go our way is to turn our backs on God and either blame him or start to question his existence or involvement in our lives. I know that along my journey in life, I’ve asked God on several occasions things like, “When will this season change? When will I start to see the promises of your Word again?”

For me, my relationship, or even better yet, the unmovable foundation of my relationship, isn’t the understanding that as soon as I pronounce the name of Jesus as Saviour my world becomes perfect, but as my understanding of how God sees me and loves me, the hope of a better tomorrow and an eternity with Him begins to guide my sails.

Hebrews 6:19
This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast…

My hope isn’t set on my feelings.
My hope isn’t set on circumstance.
My hope isn’t dependent upon my performance as a believer.
My hope isn’t set on the things I’ve done or not done or people’s perceptions of me.

No, my hope is found in the fact that I have a future that rests in the hands of my Good Father who wants me to look past the things in this world that would want to distract me or weigh me down and focus in on His unchanging, unrelenting, unshakable love. 

For me, it’s as if I picture a life anchored in Christ as ironic or counter intuitive to the apparatuses’ main function. When Christ is the focus of my life; when I’m reading the Word and am posturing myself in a position of worship; I don’t feel weighed down. I don’t feel like I’m drowning in the craziness of life. When Christ if my focus, I’m lighter. I’m happier. I’m more able to put my trust and hope in Him than in everything else that bombards me.

Maybe there’s something that’s weighing on you at this point in your life. Maybe someone has wronged you. Maybe your finances are in trouble. Maybe you just feel like you’ve been handed cards in life that you don’t deserve. I promise you, and yes, I speak from experience, that a life that is ‘anchored in Christ’ is one of redemption and hope for things to come.

Hope this has found you and found you well.

Sniper Focused

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

So, we just got home from Florida.
The land of sun, pools and the joy that comes while standing in lines for hours just so your daughter can get her picture with as many Disney Princesses as possible. I blame Belle for my very sore sunburn...

One of my favorite parts of our annual Florida vacation is the time, even if brief, we get to spend with friends. I saw my amazing friend Juan, who is doing really great things for the medical community in Orlando. Greg Francis, the writer of the last entry, and him and his wife are doing so incredible. I also got to tour the campus of South Eastern University in Lakeland with my friend Prof. Ben Gomez.

I love Ben. He’s one of those guys that even though I only see him once a year or talk to him a few times a year over text or social media, we never skip a beat. It was amazing to see him in His element. Students giving him shout outs everywhere we went on the campus, him interacting with the staff and faculty… it was really something to see. I went back the Ben’s place, ate pizza and hung with our ladies while our daughters swam for a few ours. Such a refreshing time!

So here’s what I want to get at.

I could see Ben was happy at work. I could see that he was in his element and was thriving in what he’d been putting his hands to. But it was at his house when we began talking about our futures that I had that “ah-ha” moment. Ben’s thoughts aren’t stuck on the things of the past, but he’s living focused for today and focused for what life will hope to look like at 40 and then again at 65. It was then God reminded me that when we lack vision for our lives, we get caught up in things that we may not be called to. The real us begin to die. Personally, I know that I’ve let some of the callings and passions in my life get put on the back burner, resulting in a lot of frustration and the feeling of being incomplete.

Proverbs 29:18
If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.

What I do know is that God doesn’t revoke the plans He’s set out for you. That’s not His M.O. He’s come so that we could live life and life to the full! Maybe you used to be focused on that thing, that passion He placed inside of you and then, maybe because of an unfortunate event, thought that you’d missed the mark and so you laid that passion down.

Please, just as He reminds me in little ways almost every single day, know that it is Jesus that writes your story and not the disappointment you find in this world that would want to rob you of the very thing you’re called to.

For me, I know my calling. I know what moves me, drives me and makes me feel alive.
But I also know my flaws and the terrible things that I'm capable of. The deciding factor of what should win out in this battle isn’t what I’ve done in the past, but in a repentant life, realize that as far as the east is from the west, Jesus has no clue what I’m worried. He’s forgotten.


Jesus is only focused on and hopeful for my future!


So I encourage you, get enough guts today to start dreaming again. Focus in and begin to thrive! It may not look exactly like you thought it would, but hey, I figure that’s half coupling our trust with the adventure He’s setting you up for!

Oh, and if you can find a friend like Ben Gomez, who basically makes fun of you for not following something that God has so obviously placed over your life, keep him/her close. 

Jumpman... Jumpman... Jumpman...

Uh uh, uh uh, think I need some Robitussin

Let me give you a little intro to this guest blogger. Greg Francis has been a friend of mine for almost 7 or 8 years now. I met Greg through a ministry friend of mine and asked him and a buddy of his to do a pre-show to a conference I was holding. He crushed it that weekend. So talented, so humble and just a good dude to be around. Greg was one of the guys who was around in the "good" times. Always championing what I was up to; always one to give a shoutout and some love. Most importantly though, Greg was there in the lowest moments. Listening, talking, a hand helping to dust off the condemnation from so many other parties... Greg IS, in my mind, the true definition of an authentic friend. I'm actually so excited that I get to see him and his beautiful wife in just a few weeks time as me and the girls head to FL for some vacation time.
Please take some time to follow Greg and his thoughts on his personal blog:

Love you Greg!
Thanks for the these thoughts!

When I reminisce about High School and growing up in Brooklyn, I immediately think of my friends. We were pretty brutal, now that I think about it. Whether it was ranking on each others' moms or making fun of someone's awkward jump-shot, we never really cut each other much slack. I think that as a teenager, there was a special kind of transparency in the relationships I had that I don't always value as a 27 year-old.

One of our favorite games to play in High School was "Real or Fake". My friends and I would go around on the subway or in the hallways of school and we would try and spot a fake pair of Jordan's on someone's feet. I mean, if the Jumpman on a pair of Jordan Cement 3's were even the slightest bit off, you'd better believe you were in for a roasting session that you'd barely make it out of with your pride in tact. Say what you want but this kind of teenage brutality prepared me for something that 20's would try and distract me from. And it is this: people can spot a fake.

Much like a knockoff pair of J's, inauthenticity in our lives is both recognizable by others and it is unacceptable. In the way that it applies to our relationships and faith, it becomes detrimental. Fake Jordan's is embarrassing but fake relationship is insulting. It's insulting to our spouses and significant others. It's insulting to our friends and loved ones. It is probably most insulting to God.

If we look at the Cross and the reason that Christ's suffering was endured, it is apparent that meaningful relationship meant a great deal to God. For Jesus, it was worth the cost. For Jesus, the real thing just had to be copped, regardless of the price tag. For Jesus, a knock-off crucifixion just would not do. My friends, authenticity was way too expensive of a purchase for us decide that we will live a life that is not deep and transparent and real. 

And I get it! Wouldn't you take a discount if it meant it ALMOST looked like the real thing? I've come to learn that it's just not worth it. Some things are just better when it's real. When it comes to relationships, there's no way to replicate authenticity. The best con-man couldn't do it. Much like my friends and I in High School, an inauthentic thing can be spotted from a mile away- especially when the observers are the people closest to you.

There is no discounting with authenticity. It either is or it isn't. Anything less than what is raw and true is simply cheap. The people who matter to you most deserve the real you. YOU deserve the real you.

I promise that I mean well. I hope my point is not too harsh or disturbing for you. If it is, then I rest in the fact that I'm simply being authentic. 

Because no shortcut is worth it.
No facade is exempt.
Much like a bootleg pair of kicks, nobody likes a fake.

Labels Lie

Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up.

Just as a precursor, I’m not about to borrow someone’s anointing or take someone’s thought and pretend that it’s mine for the sake of pretending to be smarter or more eloquent than I am (which isn’t very, I must admit). But here’s my thoughts for today that have actually stirred something that was once a core message that I held tight to even before I needed more than I could had known… Labels lie.

I came home from my run this morning and found Andy in the washroom watching Steven Furtick live while getting ready for church. Pastor was talking about Christians and how easily it seems a people who are meant to be known as loving and inclusive (as scary word in church culture these days) and forgiving to be the exact opposite.

Anyone here guilty of this?
Yes, my hand is raised high with the rest of the class.

It seems to me that for a people who are meant to see past the sin and see the struggle; the issue or issues that need to be addressed and healed, we can do a really incredible job at labeling people by the mistakes that they have made and letting them sit in that label for good. When people let us down, I’ve found that writing them off seems easiest and most convenient for our busy schedules rather than walking along side people and getting to the root of what’s caused reason for such descriptions to occur. 

Furtick brought up an interesting point. Remember Thomas the disciple? What’s his nickname? What do we associate with his name? Right… ‘Doubting’ Thomas. In his weak moment, Thomas questions the fact of Jesus' resurrection and stands resolute until he can see the holes in His hands himself. Jesus appears to Thomas and says, “Peace be with you…” Interesting. He doesn’t call him out, “you’re such a doubter… what the heck you your problem man! You’re never gonna live this one down…” Jesus meets Thomas in his questions and doubts and says, “Touch my hands… touch my sides…” He doesn’t condemn Thomas’ journey or his for his lack of faith but walks him to a point of conclusion.

I’m in awe of a God who doesn’t hold my low moments against me.
I’m in awe of a God who sees my lack of faith, my rebellion and my ignorance and still chooses to meet me where I’m at, without condemnation, to bring me closer to understanding His heart for me.

Maybe you feel that your past failures or your current mistakes have backed you into a corner so tight that you’ll never be able to become something more. Maybe you have bought into the lies and labels that the enemy or society has tied to your name. I believe, even right now, that God is bringing a peace and a freedom to your life that even breaks such heaviness of your past.

You’re NOT ‘doubting’ Thomas.
You’re NOT ‘lying’ Laura.
You’re NOT ‘adulterous’ Andrew.

You’re covered by the grace and forgiveness of the One who sees who as He sees His son; blameless and spotless. Your role to play in this is only that of someone in need. He’s meeting that need right now!

So yea, society or your social circle may want to pin you down because of those few mistakes that you’ve made along the journey but I promise you, that’s not who you are and that’s not what your destiny is tied to.

I’m left hopeful today.
I’m left with a sense that I am not the thoughts or pretense of others, rather, I am the delight of my Dad.


For a Pessimist, I’m Pretty Optimistic.

“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” 

I realize that it’s been a good while since I’ve posted any thoughts here. I haven’t been in the best of spirits as of late and every time I start to write a blog, I only get so far and then just end up shutting the computer.

I’ve reminded myself that even though my thoughts aren’t always completely positivity or saturated in joy, I had made a choice…
I know there is many people who have felt or are feeling the same way I do, and so, my vulnerability and pain doesn’t have to go to waste.

At the moment, I’m dealing with situations, both new and old, that are exhausting me; mind, body and spirit. The thoughts and “what ifs” and the “if onlys” spiral through my mind every day and, if I’m honest, I find myself becoming callus and angry. Acting in a way that in contrary to whom I have been journeying to become.

Ephesians 4:26 tells us, Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger…” I read this, and I remember when Jesus himself showed up to the synagogue that day and started flipping tables. Righteous anger, I’ve heard it called. As far as my attitude has been, I’m far past flipping tables…

I am having the hardest time in my current situation taking the injustice I feel has happened and not sin in my anger.

Its in these moments (and I know this time around I’m super late to the party this time around) I need to remind myself that I am responsible for what I think, say and do. There will continually be moments in life where I’m dealt (or I deal) disappointment, but its what I do in those moments and how I process those moments that truly shows personal growth and conviction to the Grace that I so desperately want to walk in.

My friend Jesse Norman (check out @mycitycentral on Instagram) posted this on Facebook and it hit me like a ton of bricks. He said, “We don't get to choose what happens to us, we do get to choose how we respond!”

I have a choice in my anger. I can fly off the handle and let entitlement and ego raise its ugly head… I can curse and speak death over a situation… or… I can come back to what this blog has been all about. The idea that we are all broken. The idea that we are all on a journey and sometimes our journey can makes others lives very uncomfortable. Again, these are good thoughts, its putting them into action that becomes challenging. 

I’m optimistic that my heart can continue to heal. I’m hopeful that within all that I’ve journeyed over these past years, I can extend the grace that others have chosen not to extend my way. And hey… listen. I totally get it. Sometimes we allow anger to consume any possibility of hope and restoration for relationship. Dealing with forgiveness and offense isn’t a walk in the park. It can get messy and may take a long time to process. But process we must.

In continuing being semi-vague and vulnerable, tonight I received a very intense and angry message concerning the happenings of the “story” in the early moments of this blog. Surprisingly, it was the first of its kind. No matter what I think about its validity, I was reminded that we are all capable of creating trauma through the decisions we make.

As a believer, I need to remain rooted in the fundamental truths of the gospel as well as the central characteristics of Christ. I am called to forgive as I've been forgiven, I'm called to love the unloveable. I'm called to turn the other cheek... 

The person who sent me said message actually helped open my eyes as to the anger that I’ve been holding inside of me. The little pity party that I've been having needs to be replaced with the joy that is set before me, knowing that no matter what mistakes I make along the way, no matter the injustices that I may face currently, the best is coming. The best is only in and through Christ.

I obviously am still learning and growing.
I probably won’t get it right every time in the future.
I know I’m bound to fail again…

Let’s make a decision together, here and now, to never forget the darkest moments of our lives and how people were there to forgive us, rebuild trust and believe in us that we could move forward in becoming our true, authentic selves. Let’s be those kind of people. Let’s actually step up and try to be the definition of Christian.

Christ like.

Here’s to His grace.
Thanks for the reminder of your goodness, Dad.

The Best Gift

Happy non-denomination winter solstice period.
-Politically Correct People

“Santa CAME!”

The one and only time of the year that I don’t mind the time Zoey wakes me, even if she comes into our room screaming with excitement. This morning’s festivities was all about Disney, Lego and Shopkins, which are just blowing my mind… what are these hideous little things?!? If you’ve seen these toys, maybe you’ll understand my confusion. Anyways, I’m a happy man because of the joy the day has brought to my little girl and the entire family. There’s been food and fun and lots of couch napping. As I look at my surroundings today, I can truly say that I am a blessed man.


I think I’d be amiss to not share some thoughts on the reason why today is so important to me. For me, it’s bigger than a moment in a manger. It’s bigger than a little baby and a naïve picture we’ve created in our heads of the nativity scene… Today is about the ultimate gift coming into our lives for the sole fact that no other worldly present would ever be able to satisfy the deepest need we all have. Sure, toys and gifts and celebrating each other are an amazing part of today’s events, but I’m once again reminded that my joy is found in my need.


1 Timothy 1:15-17
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.


This baby, fully God and fully man, came as a gift to save the ugliest parts of me. The me that lies. The me that cusses too much.
The me that has issues forgiving himself as well as others that have dealt pain into my life. The me that still needs to balance working out my salvation while at the same time trying to realize that it’s not about works in His eyes, but abandonment of self.


Last night as I watched Zoey put out carrots for the reindeer and milk and cookies for Santa, a thought crossed my mind. My daughter’s faith in Jolly Old Saint Nick to come and bring her toys was so strong and so sincere. It was cute but more so it was unwavering. Just as much as Zoey loves the idea of Santa (and if you got a problem with the whole “Santa” thing, just move to West Texas and leave others be), I have to put my faith in the gift that God sent to me on this day.


The Gift, the love and mercy and forgiveness of my Father coming down to earth to live as the ultimate example as well as becoming the ultimate sacrifice for what I could never achieve myself. I can’t unwrap anything like that underneath the tree…


So today I encourage you, don’t let this season end without some reflection upon His goodness and His gift in your life. His grace is ACTAULLY amazing. Receive this gift of undeserved, unmerited grace and do your best to keep it close to your heart all year round.


Merry Christmas, friends.
Thanks for following along!

Content with my Contentment

I am content; that is a blessing greater than riches; and he to whom that is given need ask no more.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately.
Dangerous, I know.

The year of 2016 is almost at a close with a world of uncertainly laying ahead.
Now, I’m not sure what this year has been like for you. Maybe it was one of new adventures, new love, exciting opportunities…. or maybe its been the exact opposite with bouts of heart ache, loss or confusion…

Seeing as this has been an outlet for me to try and be as authentic as possible in hopes that my vulnerability helps spark some sort of ‘real’ journey for the readers of this blog, I have to be honest and say that I’ve been in a weird spot as of late.
Not passionate about too much.
Complacent with my day-to-day norm.
Not driven to seek the things that God has called me to (both new and old objectives). I seem to get this way when wintertime hits… Even so, I’m aware that I’m still in this place between who I want to be and who I am, all being found within the enormity of who He is.

As I sit and deliberate the overall taste that the year has left in my mouth, I’m left with the notion that I still have a lot of work to do with so many areas of my life and, for the most part, it starts with the fact that I need to rest assured that I have everything I need in this life through the gift of Jesus and His accomplishing work on the cross. That’s sound. That’s ‘capital T’ Truth. Reminding my heart and head of said Truth… harder than not.

The struggle I’ve faced time and time again this year has been being content with the contentment I’ve been seeking. This ever-eluding idea that there needs to be ‘more.’ That what I’ve lost or ruined in the past has become this lofty marker for where my happiness lies. 

I’m thankful that as of late, the Spirit has been nudging me just that extra bit, reminding me that I am not the sum of my mistakes nor am I only worthy if I reach goals that I deem important in my own little headspace.  Its almost as if I’m sitting here, writing, and resolving to repent from the times that I take for granted the blessings that I walk in day in and day out.

I’m reminded of David. Or Joseph. Or so many of the disciples.
Reminded of the seasons where they fought for or waited out His promises to unfold in their lives while at the same time being so incredibly cared for within their chaos. Here I sit, little to no chaos in my life these days, and I still seem to find myself having pity parties.

So yea. Maybe this is a pre-new years resolution for me or a challenge to you the reader. Let’s end this year with perspective that even though our situations may not look exactly how we thought they may or should look like, we are fortunate and underserving of the grace that meets us every single day.

More hope.
Less discontent.
More contentment.
Fewer inconsistencies of where we seek happiness.

Again, just some random thoughts.
Maybe you feel the same.
Maybe I’m just running around in circles out in left field.

Happy Holidays my friends...