The Best Gift

Happy non-denomination winter solstice period.
-Politically Correct People

“Santa CAME!”

The one and only time of the year that I don’t mind the time Zoey wakes me, even if she comes into our room screaming with excitement. This morning’s festivities was all about Disney, Lego and Shopkins, which are just blowing my mind… what are these hideous little things?!? If you’ve seen these toys, maybe you’ll understand my confusion. Anyways, I’m a happy man because of the joy the day has brought to my little girl and the entire family. There’s been food and fun and lots of couch napping. As I look at my surroundings today, I can truly say that I am a blessed man.


I think I’d be amiss to not share some thoughts on the reason why today is so important to me. For me, it’s bigger than a moment in a manger. It’s bigger than a little baby and a naïve picture we’ve created in our heads of the nativity scene… Today is about the ultimate gift coming into our lives for the sole fact that no other worldly present would ever be able to satisfy the deepest need we all have. Sure, toys and gifts and celebrating each other are an amazing part of today’s events, but I’m once again reminded that my joy is found in my need.


1 Timothy 1:15-17
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.


This baby, fully God and fully man, came as a gift to save the ugliest parts of me. The me that lies. The me that cusses too much.
The me that has issues forgiving himself as well as others that have dealt pain into my life. The me that still needs to balance working out my salvation while at the same time trying to realize that it’s not about works in His eyes, but abandonment of self.


Last night as I watched Zoey put out carrots for the reindeer and milk and cookies for Santa, a thought crossed my mind. My daughter’s faith in Jolly Old Saint Nick to come and bring her toys was so strong and so sincere. It was cute but more so it was unwavering. Just as much as Zoey loves the idea of Santa (and if you got a problem with the whole “Santa” thing, just move to West Texas and leave others be), I have to put my faith in the gift that God sent to me on this day.


The Gift, the love and mercy and forgiveness of my Father coming down to earth to live as the ultimate example as well as becoming the ultimate sacrifice for what I could never achieve myself. I can’t unwrap anything like that underneath the tree…


So today I encourage you, don’t let this season end without some reflection upon His goodness and His gift in your life. His grace is ACTAULLY amazing. Receive this gift of undeserved, unmerited grace and do your best to keep it close to your heart all year round.


Merry Christmas, friends.
Thanks for following along!

Drew Riach

God >