Risky Love

Fortune sides with him who dares...

One thing that I’m learning, or at least paying close attention to in this part of my life, is the RISK involved with really loving people well. If I take an honest inventory of my heart or my motives when it comes to the relationship I’m deeply invested in at this period in my life… I feel like I have some work to do. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t think I’m necessarily BAD at loving well. I have friends in my life that I intentionally remind them about how much they matter to me. Affirmation about their giftings and the gift that they are to me… I feel, at times, I do this quite well.

But there’s something inside of me that has been in tension when I look at some of the people in my life that (obvious to me) love better and are WAY riskier than I am in their love.
For example, my wife… all bias set aside, she loves and loves BIG. She gladly self sacrifices her own time, space and emotions to help those who come to her in their time of need. I’m more apt to tell her to get off the phone can come and watch TV… no, she talks and calms and prays and hopes for a better day tomorrow for the one in need.

Or how about my new friend and mentor Brad. I watch him love people effortlessly. Taking time to listen and engage and champion the hopes they have for their lives. He stops to pray. He laughs with and enjoys people. It’s actually extremely influential as I watch him. It makes me want to love better.


Maybe you don’t want to risk love.
Maybe you want to stay as far away from that stuff as humanly possible.
I get that.


There’s been more times than I’d like to admit where my past experiences have allowed me to justify putting up a wall around certain people or situations where I chose not to risk love.  I choose not to be vulnerable or ask hard questions or stick around long enough for people who really need it because of those who chose not to do so with me. How very selfish of me…

Part of loving well is processing the times when you weren’t. I’m learning that it’s in the pain I’ve experienced and processed that I am actually better equipped to love those who need it the most. I know how it feels to be left out or counted out. I know how it feels to be looked at sideways… But even more importantly, I know how it feels when people believe in me; when people choose to risk things like popularity, status, even close friendships to meet me where I’m at and believe in my journey ahead.


I know… maybe you’re like, where are you going with this?


I simply wanted to encourage you to ask yourself, do I love well? Am I being risky in my love? Am I getting close to the situations that need love the most or am I content in just letting someone else take care of those in need. Or maybe worse, letting those in need go without. Do you go with the flow when the masses count someone out or will you be the person who takes time to hear a story and walk the extra mile of a journey that may not be the easiest to walk?

I’m reminded of 1 Corinthians 13:1 “….but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.” Man… the last thing I want to be is just a noisy Christian. I know I have been and I know that I still can be but there’s an awareness that we can have that reminds us that this life isn’t all about us. It’s about a love we’ve found so that we can give it back to those around us. It’s about a grace that’s been given to us so that we can walk with those who feel like they can’t escape the struggles of their pasts.


So love big.

Risk something in the name of Love. Whether it’s your reputation, your social status, your personal finances… Ask God to challenge you. You’re going to something amazing. I know it.






Drew Riach

God >